Българското представяне на предстоящата Балканска БА конференция

По традиция силно българско участие ще има и в предстоящото 6-то издание на Балканската БА конференция. В програмата са включени следните теми с лектори от България:

"Some things require more than 4-10 people and this is where most agile practices got stuck. Eventually we discovered a few ways to scale those principles to large organizations, delivering the benefits Agile promised 20 years ago. Today we have a number of scaled agile frameworks but none as widely recognized as SAFe."

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Лектор: Стоян Атипов

"What does AI bring to the enterprise? One third of the organizations have already answered this question and allocated significant budgets to implement AI in various directions. Proper algorithms and the right data available are the key factors to successful resolving a clearly stated business problem. Where is the business analyst role in this initiative?"

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Лектори: Мариана Митевска и Христо Хаджичонев